Forbes Historical Museum Help |
Quick Reference
New Search
Enter your New search in the search box. The default is all the words and each word entered is treated as a part word.
Revised Search
This option allows you to refine your search as it retains in the search box your previous search. This allows spelling mistakes to be easily changed.
Menu Bar
At any time whilst browsing through this collection, you may select any of the options in the
information bar (located along the top of the main window). Simply click on your selection, to obtain the information required.
Please note that the following information items are optional and some items may not appear on your screen.
- Collection: Provides information about the collection.
- Copyright: Provides copyright information of the collection.
- Warning: Contains important information regarding the subject matter of
the images in the collection.
- Prices: Provides information on the cost of acquiring images and the
fees associated with using the images.
- Order: Displays a form to be completed to obtain an image. (Remember
to include the image "FILE" number)
- Contact Us: Contact us information or click here e-mail to email Forbes Historical Museum
- Click on the Council Logo in the Banner to visit the home page.
- Click on the Home button in the Menu Bar to return to the Forbes Historical Museum home page.
- Click on the ME Logo in the footer to visit Media Equation's home page and learn about the range of Image Libraries that can be provided.
- To visit Search Tech Pty Ltd for more details on their image library software, and image scanning bureau
click here
- Click on the Usage Terms link in the footer to learn about the use you can make of the images and any restrictions that apply.
- Click on the Disclaimer link in the footer to learn about the conditions on which this website is provided.
- Click on the Privacy Statement link in the footer to learn how any information provided by you in the course of using this website is managed.
Display Views
Normally the results will be displayed as thumbnails.
In the Navigation Bar, which shows the Search Term and the number of the records found, is the option to change to different display layouts. These are:
- Titles A vertical listing of the titles of normally 20 records found by the search term. Click on the title to see a particular image in more detail.
- Thumbnails A screen of 15 or 20 Thumbnail Images with titles found by the search term. Click on the image or title to see a particular image in more detail.
- Half Page An image that fits within a 400 pixels wide x 300 pixels high rectangle with the information pertaining to that image alongside.
Click on the image to enlarge the image.
- Full Page An image that fits within an 800 pixels wide x 600 pixels high rectangle with the information pertaining to that image displayed underneath the image.
Click on the image to reduce the size of image.
Next to the display options, are navigation buttons which allow you to move through the retrieved list of images:
"Click on the button to navigate in the direction you wish. Please note buttons are "greyed out" when navigation is not possible, eg. at the end or start the list."
- "First" displays the first image in the current search
- "Prev" displays the previous image in the current search
- "Next" displays the next image in the current search
- "Last" displays the last image in the current search