Forbes Historical Museum Local Studies Collection
Photograph and Print Price List

Black & White or Colour depending on the original image.

Print Size
Image Size
A4 - 210mm x 295mm 1 image  with border - 180mm x 260mm $15.00
A4 - 210mm x 295mm 2 images with border - 130mm x 180mm $15.00
A4 - 210mm x 295mm 4 images with border -  90mm x 130mm $15.00

Plus $5.00 postage and packaging within Australia.

A further fee is charged if the photograph is to be used for reproduction.
This fee depends on the form and quantities of the reproduction planned.

Private business note: Photographs are sold on the condition that the Forbes Historical Museum is acknowledged with the image caption.

Note: Photographs will not be cropped.
Depending on the aspect ratio of the original photograph, either the height or the width of the final print could be slightly smaller than the quoted size.

All prices are quoted in Australian dollars and include GST.
Please make cheques/money orders payable to Forbes Historical Museum

Contact Forbes Historical Museum if you require further detail.

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